The future of the Bear Creek dam is going to public consultation, as it may require a major reconstruction within the next 30 years. The city is seeking public and stakeholders' feedback on the dam's future to create a Request for Proposals (RFP) to consider a long-term vision for the structure. “This study will be […]
As concerns mount over rising property crime, a local initiative is being proactive. Sexsmith Citizens on Patrol (COPS) is hosting a crime prevention seminar Sept. 18 that is meant to help residents learn how to prevent crime in their own backyards and offer the tools needed to assist with this. “We are hoping for a […]
A new logo for the Town of Sexsmith is on its way as progress continues on its rebranding initiative. Town council met with General Public & Partners (GPP), the contractor hired to spearhead the project, at a Committee of the Whole meeting Monday night. GPP presented key elements based on various community engagement efforts and […]
A grant from the province will result in four new programs focusing on mental health at Northwestern Polytechnic. (NWP) The province announced the Mental Health Professions Enrollment Expansion grant program last month, with NWP said to gain 152 seats. “These in-demand programs will deliver significant benefits to our students and our communities,” said NWP president […]
The first 12 recruits of the Grande Prairie Police Service (GPPS) began training on Monday. Lethbridge Polytechnic (LP) and GPPS announced a partnership last month that will see LP bringing instructors from its Centre for Justice and Human Services department for the 22-week recruit training period. “Our training is largely going to take place at […]